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Aitagem Aitagem


Vision: Asia’s number one TRUSTED AI solutions consultant that empowers ethical AI in global regions to connect with each other in safe, meaningful and socially responsible ways.

Mission: Connecting the world in safe, meaningful and socially responsible ways, powered by TRUSTED AI.

Values: Artificial Intelligence TRUST Amazing GenAI Ethical Meaningful (AITAGEM).



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Aitagem app (Aitagem's first product)

The world's SAFEST social app

Download Aitagem app now!

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Vision: Socially responsible mobile app that connects people in a personalized, healthy and safe manner.

Mission: Empower people to connect to each other through visual media in mobile devices.

Values: Artificial Intelligence TRUST Amazing GenAI Ethical Meaningful (Aitagem).

Unique points about Aitagem app: Harness the powers of proprietary and advanced Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to provide a socially responsible mobile app environment to users. Our socially responsible Vision, Mission and Values include automatically editing and removing vulgarities, nudities, offensive, and other undesirable visuals in Aitagem app. Therefore, Aitagem users can be rest assured that they are connecting to each other in a personalized, healthy and safe manner.

Using Aitagem app

Quick video guide

Login page, registration page and forgot password page

Login with your Aitagem email and password. Only valid matching email and password will ensure that the Aitagem user can be logged into the Aitagem app.

If the app user does not have an Aitagem account, please click on the “No account? Sign up.” phrase at the bottom of the screen to go to the agreement page. In this agreement page, the app user must read and agree to the Aitagem Terms of Service and the Aitagem Privacy Policy. If and only if Both Aitagem Terms of Service button and Aitagem Privacy Policy button are clicked, then the app user can continue registration and proceed to the registration page. In this registration page, please upload your Aitagem profile image and other details. You must upload your Aitagem profile image to register. The password must be at least 7 characters long.

If the Aitagem user has forgotten own password, please click on the “Forgot password? Get help.” If the available Aitagem email is input, a reset password link will be sent to your Aitagem email.

Main Aitagem page

At the bottom of your Aitagem page, there are five icons, including (from left to right), house icon (Feed page), search icon (Search page), plus icon (Upload Post page), notification icon (Notification page) and your own user icon (Profile page).

Feed page

The house icon refers to the Feed page, which displays all the posts of Aitagem users who you follow. Aitagem users who you have not followed will not have their posts displayed on your Feed page.

At the top of the Feed page, you can Logout of your Aitagem app (left of the Feed page header), or message any Aitagem user (right of the Feed page header).


This post can be found in the Feed page, Search page, Notification page and your Profile page.

In the post, the first line displays that Aitagem user’s profile image and username. Below this first line, the post’s visual media will be displayed. Below this post’s visual media, you can see (from left to right), a Like button (heart shape), comment button, and an edit post button (three dots).

If you click on the Like button to Like this post, this Like button will change from white colour to red colour and the number of Likes below this Like button will increase by 1 automatically. In addition, your click on this Like button will lead to a “liked your post” notification in that Aitagem user’s Notification page.

If you click on the red Like button to Unlike this post, this Like button will change from red colour to white colour and the number of Likes below this Like button will decrease by 1 automatically.

If you click on the comment button, a comment page will appear where you can type in your comments about this post. In addition, your click on this Like button will lead to a “commented on your post” notification in that Aitagem user’s Notification page. After you have posted your comment, the time elapsed since the time of posting the comment will be automatically displayed on the right of this posted comment.

If you click on the edit post button (three dots), two types of options sets will appear – Option set 1 and Option set 2.

Option set 1: If you are the owner of this post, the option set of “Edit Post”, “Delete Post” and “Cancel” to return to previous page will appear. Clicking on “Edit Post” button will cause the “Edit Post” page to appear. You can change the (post image), or edit (the caption of the post image), or edit (both the post image and post caption), or don’t make any changes. If you make no changes to this post but still click on the “Done” button on the top right of this “Edit Post” page, no changes will be made to your post. After you have made changes to the post caption, you cannot edit the post image subsequently. (The reason is because the post caption should be written in relation to the post image. So if the post image is changed subsequently after the post caption is changed, the user will most likely have to change the post caption again, which wastes the user’s time.) However, after you have changed the post image, you can change the post caption. After you have edited the post, click on the “Done” button to save your new changes to the post and after clicking “Done”, you will return to your previous page before entering the “Edit Post” page. As expected, any edits to your post and post deletes will be reflected in the Feed page, Search page, Notification page and your Profile page. If you click “(Yes, Delete)”, your post will be deleted.

Option set 2: If you are not the owner of this post, after you click on the edit post button (three dots), option set of three buttons –- “Report Post”, “Follow” (or “Unfollow”) and “Cancel” to return to previous page will appear. If you click on “Report Post” button, the “Report Post” page will appear. Enter your report post description and submit your report, if you want. If you click “Follow” (available for posts in Search page and Notification page (if any)), you will Follow this specific Aitagem user and this user’s future posts will appear in your Feed page. In addition, your click on “Follow” post will lead to a follow notification in that Aitagem user’s Notification page. However, if you click on “Unfollow” (available for posts in Feed page, Search page and Notification page(if any)), you will Unfollow this specific Aitagem user and you will not be able to see this user’s future posts in your Feed page. There will not be an unfollow notification in that Aitagem user’s Notification page.

Below the number of likes, the username of this post, and the post caption can be found.

Below the username of this post, the amount of time elapsed since this post was posted is displayed.

Therefore, the post consists of the following information: post user’s profile image and post user’s username (on the top line), the post’s visual media (below profile image), the Like button (heart shape), comment button, and an edit post button (three dots), number of Likes, the user’s post caption and the time elapsed since this posted was displayed.

Please note that active labels are enabled for both the post caption and post comments only. This means that the texts in both post caption and post comments include hashtags, mentions and URL links. A hashtag is a good way to categorize and label your post and always begin with a “#” symbol only. If there are any other “#” symbols in that word after that first character of the word, that word will not become a hashtag. For example, a #good word is a hashtag, but a ##good or #good# is not considered a hashtag. Next, another user writes #good in the own post or post comment, clicking on this #good hashtag will lead to the grouping together and display of that user’s post and any other user posts’ that include #good. However, if a post comment's hashtag does not link to any posts’ hashtags, no image display will appear. A mention always begins with “@” symbol only, and mention is a good way to link to the other user’s profile details. If a mention to a non-existent user is posted, clicking on this mention will lead to an error button with error message “User does not exist”. A URL link always begins with “http://” or “https://” only. Clicking on this URL link will lead to the opening of that website, if it exists.


Clicking on the message button (right of the Feed page header), will lead to the “Messages” page, which displays messages from other Aitagem users to you, And messages from you to other Aitagem users too, if any. If you want to, you can click on this message, and message back to that other Aitagem user.

In this “Messages” page, clicking on the message button on the top right, will lead to the “New Message” page, where you can view all Aitagem users, including yourself. In this “New Message” page, you can also search for an available Aitagem user. After you have clicked on the user, a message textbox appears and you can type in your message to that user. After sending your message to that user, your message to that user, will appear in the same page and this means that your message has been sent to that user successfully. Next, clicking on “Messages” again will return you to the “Messages” page.

Search page

This Search page displays all the posts from all Aitagem users, in grid format. All the posts include your own posts, posts you follow, unfollow, like, unlike, commented on, no comments, etc.

In the top search bar of the Search page, you can search for the available Aitagem user. And clicking on this Aitagem user will pop up that user’s profile page.

Plus icon (Upload Post page)

This Upload Post page allows you to select visual media from your phone’s library. You can change this visual media using the relevant image filter. After that, you can enter your post caption. Please note that the maximum number of characters of your post caption is 100 characters, including blank spaces.

After you have clicked “Share” post at the top right, your new post will automatically appear in the Feed page, Search page and your Profile page.

Notification page

This Notification page displays other notifications if another Aitagem user has posted a comment on your posts (“commented on your post”); and/or notifications if another Aitagem user has clicked on the Like Button of your Post to change that Like Button from white colour to red colour (“liked your post”); and/or notifications if another Aitagem user has clicked on “Follow button” in your profile page to change it from “Follow” to “Following”.

Please note that in this Notification page, you can click on that Aitagem user’s profile image or username to go into that Aitagem user’s Profile page.

You can also click on the post image on the right to know exactly what Post that user has liked or commented on.

In addition, you can go into that user’s Profile page and click on the “Follow button” to toggle between “Follow” and “Following” status. After you have clicked on this “Follow button”, this change will be reflected on all of that user’s user profile in the Feed page, Search page, Notification page and Profile page.

Profile page

This Profile page contains your detailed user profile.

On the top left, you can see your Aitagem profile image and your Aitagem username below this profile image.

On the top right, you can see your number of posts that you have posted, your number of followers, and number of users you are following. You can click on this followers image to go into the “Followers” page and see exactly which users are following you. And you can even click into that user to view that user’s Profile page. Similarly, you can click on this following image to go into the “Following” page and see exactly which users you are following. And similarly, you can even click into that user to view that user’s Profile page.

Below your Aitagem username, you can edit your profile too. You can change (your profile image), or edit (the username, name of the profile image), or edit (both the profile image and profile texts), or don’t make any changes. If you make no changes to this profile, the “Done” button on the top right of this “Edit Profile” page will not be activated. So if you want to make no changes to your profile, click on the “Cancel” button on the top left of this “Edit Profile” page to go back to your Profile page. After you have made changes to the profile texts (username and name), you cannot edit the profile image subsequently. (The reason is because the profile texts should be written in relation to the profile image. So if the profile image is changed subsequently after the profile texts are changed, the user will most likely have to change the profile texts again, which wastes the user’s time.) However, after you have changed the profile image, you can change the profile texts. After you have edited your profile, click on the “Done” button to save your new changes to your profile and after clicking “Done”, you will return to your previous page before entering the “Edit Post” page. However, after you have edited the profile but click on the “Cancel” button, you will also return to your previous page before entering the “Edit Profile” page but all your profile’s edits will not be saved. As expected, any edits to your profile will be reflected in the Feed page, Search page, Notification page and your Profile page.

Below the “Edit Profile” button, you can view all the posts that you have posted, in grid format. You can click on any of your own posts, and view the details of your posts. Details and explanations of each of this post are described above already.


There are two types of Settings: your own Settings in your own Profile page, and the other Aitagem users’ Settings in their own Profile page. The Settings button is located at the top right corner of the Aitagem user profile.

Your own Settings

If you click on your own Settings in your own Profile page, you will arrive at your own Settings page. You can click on “Help Center” to go to the Aitagem Help page. You can click on “Terms of Service” to go to the Aitagem Terms of Service page. You can click on “Privacy Policy” to go to the Aitagem Privacy Policy page.

On the top right corner of your own Settings page, you can click on “Contact Us” to go to the Aitagem “Contact Us” page. Enter your contact description and submit your description, if you want. Click “Cancel” in the top left corner of your own Settings page to go back to your own Profile page.

On the top right corner of your own Settings page, you can click on the Aitagem search icon to go into your Language settings. You can define your preferred language here. There are languages in English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Melayu.

Other Users’ Settings

If you click on Settings in other Aitagem users’ Profile page, you will arrive at their Settings page, which describe what reporting this user means, and describe what blocking this user means. On the top right corner of this Settings page, there are the “Block” button and the “Report” button in red color.

If you click on “Report” button, the “Report User” page will appear. Enter your report user description and submit your report, if you want. Click “Cancel” in the top left corner of your own Settings page to go back to their user’s Profile page.

If you click on the “Block” button, the “Block User” page will appear. The Block/Unblock status of this user is shown. Click on the “Block” button to unblock this user.

If you make no changes to this Block/Unblock status of this user and still click on “Done” button, the current Block/Unblock status of this user will remain unchanged.

If you want to make a change to this “Block/Unblock” status, please make sure that the button has a bold background. After the button has a bold background, click on the “Done” button to save the change to this status.

By blocking this user, you and this user will no longer be able to comment posts, message, follow, unfollow, like posts, unlike posts each other. However, you can choose to unblock this user to comment posts, message, follow, unfollow, like posts, unlike posts each other.

If another user blocked you but you never block that user who blocked you, then you and that user who blocked you will no longer be able to comment posts, message, follow, unfollow, like posts, unlike posts each other. However, that user who blocked you can choose to unblock you to comment posts, message, follow, unfollow, like posts, unlike posts each other.

Delete functions

You can "Delete For Everyone" or "Delete For Me" your own messages to others.

You can only "Delete For Me" other users' messages to you.

You can delete your own comments to a post.

You can also delete your notifications.

Delete your account

In your Aitagem app account, go to "Settings".

Next, click on the red "Delete" button.

Next, if you really want to delete your Aitagem app acount and all data linked to your Aitagem app, click "Yes". If you change your mind (highly recommended), click "Cancel".

Please note that it will take up to 17 days before all your Aitagem app data is fully deleted. This 17 days time period is much less than the average 30 days time period offered by other apps to delete a user's account.

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