Unique reasons to choose Aitagem to generate your customized Gen AI videos:
✔ Human input: Unlike other Gen AI videos providers, ALL the Gen AI videos Aitagem generate for our customers have at least one real human being to check the video for safety and compliance to high ethical standards that respect local cultures, local laws and other considerations. Aitagem takes respect, safety and content moderation very seriously.
✔ Longer video length: Other Gen AI videos providers place strict restrictions on each video you can generate. For example, some Gen AI providers allow generation up to 4 seconds, or up to 10 seconds for each Gen AI video. We believe that such short Gen AI videos are too restrictive and defeats the purpose of generating a Gen AI videos. We empower you by allowing generation of a Gen AI video up to 18 minutes in length.
✔ Advanced complex Gen AI videos: Unlike most other Gen AI videos providers, Aitagem can generate advanced complex Gen AI videos for you. On average, Aitagem generates 50 seconds to 180 seconds Gen AI videos for our customers, although some of our customers want much longer videos.
✔ Dynamic pricing: Unlike other Gen AI videos providers, Aitagem charge highly-customized prices for each Gen AI video you want, based on many variables and our own proprietary AI pricing model. For example, the longer the video you want, the more characters/objects you want in your video, the more commplex your video is, the shorter the waiting time you want your video to be generated, and the more future views/impressions you want your video to have, the more expensive your expected Gen AI video will cost. The more money you are willing to pay for your video, the more engineers' time we will assign to make your video, the shorter your waiting time, etc.
✔ Shorter waiting time: We have made thousands of Gen AI videos for our customers so far. We have received mostly positive feedback from our customers that the waiting time for their desired Gen AI video is shorter than other Gen AI providers, with higher quality.
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